
Responsible for this website:

Michael Slabina
Am Kanal 37/2/14
1110 Vienna

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Applicable Legislation: Gewerbeordnung Austria
Supervisory Authority: Magistratisches Bezirksamt Wien 11.
Economic Chamber Austria: WKO Wien, UBIT
VAT ID: n/a (small business VAT exemption)

Privacy Notice:
No personal data will be collected when using this website, with two exceptions:
(1) If you use the contact form to send me a message, I will keep your name and e-mail address and the content of your message for six months. I will not share any of this with anyone else.
(2) Your IP address, together with operating system and browser type/version will be included in the server logfiles, as required for all internet service providers.

Cookie Notice:
There is just one cookie which is required to ensure the functionality of the website, but this is a temporary cookie which is usually automatically deleted when you close your browser session.
